As a guide you can get so much more out of a skier over a whole day by setting a lower angle uptrack. Steep uptracks burn out skiers very quickly & spoil the learning & rewards of a full day. Here’s a few tips to help you be efficient, conserve energy & keep the uptrack effective & beautiful.

Look ahead to help path selection
Look for & feel the snow surface conditions & adjust your track accordingly
Make some beautiful curves.It's nice to keep the snowscape beautiful & limit the amount of tracks.
When track setting, consider the endurance of all members in your group & that of other parties
An inefficient skin track is often set by those with strong descent skills & not a lot of experience
Have a go at setting a track but get the experienced group member to break trail in variable terrain
Take note of the uptrack others are setting & critique it
Learn to be efficient with the terrain.
Steep track becomes slippery after a few passes
Don't be afraid to set your own track or edit a track
If you can't talk your going too fast
On a full day's ski tour find your groove & stick to it.
For all but the fittest, uphill skiing is a hare & tortoise race.
A steep path can be quicker for a short slope, on long haul tours less steep is quicker
If you do want to haul & get going you don't need to go steeper just go quicker!
Budget your available energy with the track you take, if the track is too steep change it
Be sure to know where the ski track is taking you. If there is a whiteout you could end up somewhere you don’t want to be.

Book a tour with SMBC & we'll increase your backcountry learning curve & teach you how to go uphill very well! You'll never look back.
Come in to SMBC & chat to us about the right gear for tough days in the skin track including climbing skins, adjustable poles, ski crampons, Self Arrest Whippet Poles & a whole lot more.
Ski you soon alpinists!